Can you help me find primary sources about equity and poverty in Chicago Public Schools?

Some relevant websites:


You can find more by going to (or any other search engine you like) and searching for:


  "Chicago Public Schools" AND (community OR city OR organization) AND (equity AND poverty)


Just copy and paste that line of text into the search bar and see what you find. CPS plans, budgets, mission statements, and/or goals/program descriptions are all primary sources.  


Statistics and government documents are also primary sources.  Go to the (or and search for:


poverty AND equity AND education AND statistics


Using limits results only to government webpages.


Search in the databases for combinations of keywords that describe your topic. Then filter your articles (left-hand side of the screen) to peer reviewed and academic journal articles.  A lot of those articles will be primary sources, but not all of them. To make sure, skim the abstract, methods/methodology, and results sections of the articles.

Look for statements of process showing that the author actually did​ the work.  What kind of original research is described? Surveying, sampling, experimenting? Does the author describe a first-hand experience?  (i.e.: First I did this, then I did this, and then something happened!) 

Does the author share data or statistics? 


  • Last Updated Sep 09, 2024
  • Views 93
  • Answered By Marcus Heldt

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  1. This is fantastic material. Thank you for providing it Marcus.
    by Bruce T. on Sep 05, 2024