How do I find and read eBooks from the library?


1. Find eBooks:

You can find eBooks through our catalog: Enter your topic or the title you are looking for into the search box. You'll find eBooks (and all other digital materials) in the "Online" tab.

You can select eBooks under the format options on the left side of the pages to limit your results. To view an eBook, you'll need to login with your CCC username and password (not your full email address).  

Screenshot of library catalog search results.

2. Read eBooks

You don't need a kindle or other e-reader to access any any of our eBooks. Click on the title of the book in the search results. You'll be directed to a page with more details about the book, as well as a link to the full-text of the book. This may be a PDF, or an EPUB document. 

Screenshot of eBook record.

When you click on the link to the full-text, you'll be taken to an eBook viewer. You will be able to navigate and read the book on your screen. You can search within the text of the book, and can also download or print portions of the book (normally up to 30% of a book). 

Screenshot of eBook viewer.

  • Last Updated Apr 14, 2020
  • Views 206
  • Answered By Katie Ediger

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